Craniosacral Therapy
Jeff has completed 335 hours of specific Craniosacral work in the biodynamic & mechanical disaplines.
Craniosacral sessions can be a stand alone or dovetailed seemlessly into alternate bodywork sessions.
The Information
What is CranioSacral Therapy and what can I expect to gain from it?
Craniosacral therapy (CST) addresses the craniosacral system. Parts of the system include: cerebrospinal fluid, the lining (the meningies) of the brain and spinal cord that contains cerebrospinal fluid, the upper and lower peripheral nerves. The craniosacral system has a powerful influence over the endocrine and immune systems. There is also a palpable subtle rhythmic pulsation that is a characteristic of the craniosacral system.
The Crainiosacral therapist searches for areas of neuro constriction (a block of vitality flow throughout the pathway of the nerve cannal) in the body that may be restricting the craniosacral system from functioning at its optimum. The therapist can access the craniosacral system by gently touching bones of the scull, the sacrum (large bone at the base of the spine) and other areas of the body.
- The Practitioner listens in with gentle, receptive touch for neuro-constictions, also know as inertial fulcrums. Through verbal communication and specific manual techniques the practitioner can facilitate, redirect and unwind the undulating wave like forces. By freeing up space throughout the inertial fulcrum, vitality will flow. The process of facilitation will take consecutive sessions to restore impairment depending on severity.
- The list of symptoms and conditions that CST has helped and or eliminated is very extensive. Many people discover CST after trying other therapies that did not work for them. In my practice, I have seen significant results with relief from headaches, neck and back issues and temporal mandible joint dysfunction (TMJ).